Thursday, 21 January 2016

'Arrow' Midseason Premiere Review: Blood Debts

Spoilers through Season 4 of ‘Arrow’ follow.
Arrow is back with both new answers and new questions, and I’m left with both intense curiosity and one nagging irritation. But we’ll get to that.
First off, it’s a relief that Felicity is alive, even if this means more Olicity. I’ve made my peace with that romance, I suppose. The show has made it less cloying, has allowed Felicity to be funny and strong again, rather than always teary and distraught. Even in her hospital bed she got a classic Felicity line in the midseason premiere, “Blood Debts.”
While that’s all terrific news, and an answer to a big question from the first half of the season, what it actually amounts to is simply a narrowing of the field. Someone is still buried in that grave. There’s a reason that everyone, from Barry to Felicity to Oliver himself, seem to think the next move must involve killing, presumably, Damien Darhk. We often see people killed on this show, and on The Flash, but we rarely have so many protagonists agree on the justice of killing. This time it’s different.
So the question becomes, who’s the stiff? Six feet under, whose corpse are we looking at?

It’s possible that a secondary character could illicit this flood of emotion and thirst for vengeance, but unlikely. If it’s Felicity’s mom or Oliver’s ex or some other character we only see once in a while, I’d feel pretty robbed. Dramatically, Arrow is really building up the “who’s dead?” question this season. It can’t be someone we don’t really care that much about. Even somewhat bigger characters like Captain Lance would be pretty lame deaths given all the anticipation. It has to be a death on par with Tommy in the first season, or Sara later on. We haven’t really had any deaths in this show that compare to either of those two, and Sara’s been resurrected so that doesn’t even really count.That leaves us with Thea, Laurel, and Diggle. Thea has already pretty much died one time already, so I’m ruling her out, which leaves us with just Laurel and Diggle. But I’m going to rule out Laurel also. She wasn’t an original Team Arrow member, for one thing, and the final scene in “Blood Debts” is between Felicity and Oliver, two of the three original team members. Diggle is nowhere to be seen, despite being Oliver’s right-hand man. More to the point, this season’s big sub-plot is between Diggle and his long-lost brother and H.I.V.E. operative Andy. This guy:
I think this is an important clue. I think that Diggle’s attempt to return his brother to the light side of the Force will fail, and that Andy will—on Damien’s orders—kill his own brother.
My guess is that Diggle is the one under the ground, probably not for good (either due to some crazy superhero thing or events that may or may not transpire in The Flash) but certainly in what will seem like a very final way. He’s the only character I can see both Oliver and Felicity getting this worked up about, and the conflict between him and his brother is no coincidence. Neither is the title of this episode, I imagine, even though it also alludes to Oliver saving Damien’s wicked wife and probably just as wicked little girl from Anarky.I won’t go into great detail here. Suffice to say, in this episode we learn that Felicity—while not dead—is paralyzed. She becomes more like Oracle every day.
Oliver drops his no-kill conviction as he searches for Damien, though when he finds the evil prick he’s quickly spanked and sent on his way. Great plan Oliver!
Anarky wasn’t killed by Thea after all, which means that just fake-killing people sates her bloodlust. That’s good to know!
Really, not a lot happens in “Blood Debts” except for these few big revelations about who is and isn’t and might be dead. Captain Lance gives up Damien, so he’s got a target on his back again. Thea continues her romance with the dopey political guy for some reason.
Which brings me to my irritation. Damien Darhk is this super powerful mystic bad guy, which should be a pretty cool premise for a villain. But his whole Genesis plan is altogether too similar, and not nearly as interesting, as Malcolm Merlyn’s own attempt to press the reset button on humanity. Sure, Darhk’s own plan seems bigger and badder all around than Merlyn’s ambitions, but as far as good drama is concerned, it’s small potatoes.
Think about it: In the first season, Oliver has just returned to his home and is hunting down the names in a mysterious book his father had. There’s some conspiracy between the city’s richest elite, and Oliver is going after them one by one. Meanwhile, we discover that not only is Oliver’s best friend Tommy’s dad involved, but so is Oliver’s mom. Bit by bit this terrible plan is revealed, and Merlyn is revealed to be not just an evil rich dude, but a trained killer in his own right. It’s great TV. Season 4′s Darhk and his evil plan feel hollow and empty by comparison. The only thing really tugging us along is the mysterious grave.
In this regard, Season 4 of Arrow feels almost as lackluster as Season 3. The villain is simply not compelling. His plan to destroy the city feels like a rehash of both Season 1 and Season 3. In fact, it means that three out of four seasons have centered around the possible destruction of Star(ling) City, with only the second deviating. Neither this season or the last feel up to the standards set by the first two seasons, largely for this reason. Season 2 was brilliant because it had such fantastic twists on who was good and who was evil. There was raw ambition and madness, a misguided quest for revenge, and terrible tragedy.
Darhk, H.I.V.E., like R’as al Ghul and his League before them, are impersonal and unsurprising.
Hopefully there will be some twist, some brilliant misdirection, because at this point I’m starting to lose faith again, even if I remain intrigued by the season’s biggest mystery.
What about you? What’s your take on all of this? Let us know in the comments.

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