Saturday, 16 January 2016

Colbert texted Olivia Munn's mom about fake-engagement

Unfortunately, as Olivia Munn revealed to Stephen Colbert on Thursday night's Late Show, her mom doesn't quite get that much of the celebrity news posted online is speculative, faulty, or just plain lies.
So she shared with Colbert their highly entertaining text thread, where her mom congratulates her on her "engagement" to Aaron Rogers, then when that turns out to be false, congratulates her on her upcoming appearances on Kelly and Michaeland "Colberto."Unfortunately, as Olivia Munn revealed to Stephen Colbert on Thursday night's Late Show, her mom doesn't quite get that much of the celebrity news posted online is speculative, faulty, or just plain lies.
So she shared with Colbert their highly entertaining text thread, where her mom congratulates her on her "engagement" to Aaron Rogers, then when that turns out to be false, congratulates her on her upcoming appearances on Kelly and Michaeland "Colberto."Obviously, Colbert absolutely loved this adorable rendering of his name, so he took the liberty of texting Olivia Munn's mom back with his own message of engagement congratulations. Her mom was not amused. (And based on her reaction of "Noooooo!" neither was Olivia.)Stephen Colbert, I mean Stephen Colberto, texted my mom during the taping of tonight's Late Show and now she's all confused again. Smh.Olivia Munn Colbert

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